Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back from a hiatus with a back problem, roids at WDW and waterclub withdrawl....

Hi all. I've been out of the loop for a while...hurt my back, BAD. It's been 30 days today and it's still bad. I hurt the back exercising and then went on vaction to one of my favorite places. Probably not of of my best ideas but thanks to the help of a great spine doctor and meds, I made it through. The trip was fun and I was roided out for a few days which resulted in me getting a tad too physical during a game of pool basketball where I decided to take it to the visiting 12 year old from central america, but all in all a great time. I had one other moment where I had the misfortune to losing my mind on a kid that kept splashing out of control at my 2 little guys. My boys are out of control too but this was at the point where it was ridiculous. Of course I never interject nicely and the boys dad came over to see what was wrong and I just told him that the splashing by his kid was insane. Once I had my glasses on and I COULD SEE THE KID I realized I need to get contacts. No wonder dad was annoyed with me. Sigh...Once the roids were out of my system and the pain came back I didn't have enough energy to start something with the guy spending too much time in the fancy cars when you get off of test track. Yeah my 6 year old wants to get in there for a second, but you go ahead and finish your nap. All in all though a great trip....looking forward to going back for halloween and taking the kids on the cruise for the frst time. Anyway...

This wasn't the first time I have made a social public faux paus. I accidentally ripped off a man's prosthetic leg on the m42 crosstown bus. I got caught on it (unknowingly) and ripped it so hard that before it fell to floor, so did he. I left my $2.25 fare and dignity on that bus and wound up walking. Funny thing is the next day I stopped for a bagel In grand central and when it was my turn to order this borat impersonator called out, "next,'am? Sir? next". I started yelling at him like I had turrets. You can only imagine the explatives and me ready to beat him to death when some woman said to me, "hey tough guy, he's blind". Needless to say I ate the cafe when I got to work.

On a good note I got to hang with the Ax last weekend. Good place, Good times, a long show but always a good time when me and the ax get together. I have to get him to move up wth way...although that could start a bad chain reation. I'm joking of course...but the appartment next to mine is for sale.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the hiatus and thank you to the few people that emailed me looking for a new post. I'm glad that a few folks read this. Today I had a procedure in another step to fix my back. This is hopefully a step in the right direction and my road back to bootcamp. I think my days of going on certain amusement park rides might be over and possibly derailed a dream or two but it could be worse.

I want to leave you with a song I stumbled accross this week. It's EXTEMELY rare I like any music written since the mid 90's but I found this amusing and catchy (I've always had a soft spot for him and Gnarles Barkley)...enjoy.

Until next time...